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Image result for realtek

If your computer use Realtek HD Audio card with front and back panel jack, and you got a plugged and unplugged device error, you’ve got the same problem with me. This problems cause your audio cutting constantly. Even you don’t plug anything on your panel jack..it’s continuously give you a plugged and unplugged device. If you got this problem with your Realtek HD Audio card, I have a simple method to solve your problems. This little bit tricky but it works for me.

To solve plugged and unplugged problems on your Realtek HD Audio card, simply follow this steps below  :
1. Go to Start –> Control Panel –> Hardware and Sound –> Realtek HD Audio Manager

3. Deactive plugged and unplugged notification by uncheck “display icon in notification area” option and click “OK”.

4. Click on yellow icon.

5. Disable front panel jack detection and auto popup dialog.

6. Click on “Device Advanced Settings”.

7. Select option just like in the screenshot below and click on “OK”

8. Open Speaker tab, then click on the active back panel speaker icon, set it as default device.

9. If you plug your microphone on back panel, open microphone tab and click on the active microphone icon then set it as default.

10. Your Realtek HD Audio card plugged and unplugged problem has been solved.Note: This trick is works by disabling the front jack panel and make the back panel as the default jack panel. You SHOULD plug your audio cable (Line in, Line out (speaker), and Microphone on the back panel because the front panel has been inactive. This is because the problem is come from the front jack panel.

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