KickassTorrents is continuing to have problems with Google's unwanted software policy. After the site resolved an earlier problem with a bad advertiser, Firefox and Chrome users are again barred from accessing the popular torrent index. Instead, they see an ominous warning screen.

Google’s safebrowsing algorithm flagged the website under its ‘unwanted software’ program, which is often triggered by malicious third-party advertising.
Instead of the usual homepage, visitors now see an ominous red warning banner when they enter into their browsers.
“The site ahead contains harmful programs,” Google Chrome informs its users.
“Attackers on might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit),” the warning adds.
Mozilla’s Firefox browser displays a similar message

Google previously said that the “unwanted software” policy applies to all websites but added that torrent sites are common targets for ‘unwanted software’ distributors.
The company further stressed that the warnings will automatically disappear when the flagged sites no longer violate Google’s policy.
According to’s safebrowsing page “attackers” might use the torrent site to trick visitors into installing programs that harm their browsing experience. In addition, KAT is believed to link to “dangerous websites.”

TF asked the KAT team for a comment and they informed us that this time the block may be a false positive. In any case, they are working hard to address the malware issues.
“We are working on the malware detection system and soon hope to get rid of the problem permanently,” the KAT teams says.
Two weeks ago, when the site was also flagged, the operators were also quick to remove the malicious advertiser. Despite the swift response, it took more than two days before the site was unblocked on both Firefox and Chrome.
Impatient or adventurous users who want to bypass the warning can do so by clicking the details link, or by disabling their browser’s malware warnings altogether, at their own risk.
Kickass Torrents survived many threats since its inception and brought the best free content for us to download, but ultimately, it was taken down in 2016 by the US government agencies. Although kickass torrents were the best torrenting website for many users, there are various Kickass torrents alternatives you can try, to download your favorite content.